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Finding Meaning and Purpose in Friendships
Spritual Wellness
7 min read
Finding Meaning and Purpose in Friendships
Isha Jain

Beyond Besties: Finding Meaning and Purpose in Friendship 

(Because Friendships Can Be Deeper Than Brunch)


Is your social calendar packed, still lagging with emptiness lingering? Ever it made you wonder what makes a friendship truly special? Is it just having fun, or is there something deeper at play? We all have those friends- the ones you grab coffee with, swap memes, and maybe even drag to that new brunch spot everyone’s raving about. 

But sometimes we all crave something more. A connection that goes beyond weekend plans and funny cat videos. A friendship that feels…well, meaningful. The kind where we can share our deepest fears and wildest dreams without judgment, & walk away feeling understood and supported. . Soul-level friendships go beyond the surface. They involve vulnerability.

Science backs this up. Studies show that strong social connections can boost our mental and physical well-being.  As Marcus Tullius Cicero says “It is not the number of friends you have, but the quality of the friendships that matters”. Meaningful friendships fulfill a deeper human need – the need to belong, to be understood, and to feel a sense of purpose.


“Meaning” of friendship 


In the context of friendship, “meaning” goes way beyond just having someone to hang out with and watch funny cat videos. It’s about finding connections that enrich your life and bring meaning to your life.

Has your friend ever completed your sentences midway? That’s the magic of true understanding. 

Friend who brings meaning to your life understands your weird quirks, and inside jokes, and makes you feel seen and accepted in your true self with your flaws. They make you feel challenged. Push you outside your comfort zone, encourage you to grow, and inspire you to try new things. They are the ones who give you their shoulders to cry, celebrate your victories small or big, and believe in you when you doubt yourself. They are like the backbone ‘ride or die’ crew, people who make you think that you can conquer the world.


Layers of Friendship 


Imagine two souls, like puzzle pieces, finally finding their perfect fit. You can be your authentic self, quirks and all, without fear of judgment. You challenge each other to improve, celebrate each other’s victories, and pick each other up during the inevitable downfalls. It’s a space where you can be completely raw and know you’ll be loved and accepted anyway.

Deeper friendships require effort and emotional investment. But the rewards are immense. These connections offer a sense of belonging, support, and understanding that enriches our lives in profound ways. So, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable “ Brené Brown, a researcher on vulnerability and courage, highlights the importance of vulnerability in building strong connections.”, share your true self, and nurture the friendships that make your soul sing.


Cultivating Your Friendship


So, how do we nurture these soul-nourishing friendships? Here are a few tips:


Practice active listening. Put down the phone, make eye contact, and truly hear what your friend is saying. Take it a step further: Ask clarifying questions, acknowledge their feelings, and avoid interrupting with your own experiences. This shows you’re invested in their world and fosters deeper connection.

Be vulnerable. Share your hopes, dreams, and fears. True connection comes from letting someone see the real you. But how? Start small! Share a silly dream you have or a fear you’re facing about a project. Vulnerability is a two-way street, so reciprocate when your friend opens up to you.

Celebrate each other’s wins (big and small). Be their biggest supporter and cheerleader. Go beyond a simple “congrats!” Did they land a new job? Offer to help them update their LinkedIn profile. Did they finally conquer that fear of public speaking? Plan a celebratory dinner to commemorate their achievement.

Offer a shoulder to cry on (and tissues!). Be there for them during tough times, without judgment. Don’t just listen, be present. Sometimes a listening ear and a silent hug are all that’s needed. You can also offer practical help, like running errands or bringing over a healthy meal.

Find shared passions. Pursue hobbies or activities you both enjoy. Shared experiences create lasting memories and deeper bonds. Thinking outside the box? If you’re both interested in personal growth, take a weekend workshop together. Do you have a love for volunteering? Find a cause you both care about and dedicate some time together.

Bonus Tip: Be the friend you want to have. This means taking initiative, reaching out regularly (even with a quick text), and being dependable. Show your friends you care by putting in the effort, and they’ll likely reciprocate.


The feeling of belonging and purpose isn’t just some fluffy, feel-good notion. It’s a fundamental human need. As the ancient Greek philosopher Isocrates wisely said, "Friendship is a shelter from the storm.” Our friends are the ones who make us feel safe, seen, and valued for who we truly are. So, go forth, be vulnerable, and let your friendships blossom into something truly beautiful and soul-satisfying. After all, life is better with friends by your side, not just on your brunch date.


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