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5 Signs You Are Friends with Toxic People and How to Spot Them
Friendship Dynamics
11 min read
5 Signs You Are Friends with Toxic People and How to Spot Them
Isha Jain

5 signs You Are Friends with Toxic people and How to Spot Them


We meet different types of people in our lives and we categorize each of them into different zones. Some of them are our best friends who know us inside out, childhood friends who know our deepest secrets, then close friends with whom we share our personal experiences, acquaintances like classmates or colleagues whom we know casually, or a lot more such as online friends, work friends, etc. apart from all these groups of friend in our zoo some are sneaky, whose behavior drains your energy, who chip away your self-esteem and create unnecessary drama. So how do we spot these imposters and make our friend zoo healthy? Here are the signs you need to know.


5 signs you are friends with a toxic friend and the key to spotting them :


The sweet manipulator

 One who is always needing a favor but somehow unavailable to return it, the one who are expert at playing the busy card and will give you the guilt trip. The key to spotting them is to notice the imbalance in reciprocity.

The one-sided  

Remember that time you spent hours planning a surprise party for them, only for them to be a no-show at the last minute with a flimsy excuse? Yeah, that friend. If You’re the one brainstorming ideas, sending invites, and getting flanky replies in return (yeah, maybe!). One-sided friendships leave you feeling emotionally drained

The Maybe master

Ping! “ugh, so sorry, caught up with something! Maybe next time”, sounds familiar? These are the friends who leave you scrambling on plans and cancel at the very last moment. Promises are like shooting stars for them. Does this friend of yours consistently blow off your plans, and leaves you feeling disappointed and unreliable? Notice their pattern and don’t get stuck in the cycle of maybe forever.

Hide & seek attention

 you are the one initiating plans, offering support, and celebrating your friend’s victories and your achievements go unnoticed and your presence feels more tolerated than truly cherished.

Debbie Downers

They’re the champions of the “blame game”. Bad date? Your fault for not setting them up with someone perfect. Bad days happen to everyone but with a toxic friend, negativity becomes their signature scent. Being around them will feel like walking on eggshells, afraid to say anything that might be misconstrued as criticism.


Ways to get out of toxic friendship 


Set boundaries

It’s okay to limit your time with friends who consistently bring negativity into your life. Focus on being friends with positive people who energize and inspire you. Remember sunshine is much more fun than a permanent cloud storm!

Maintain distance

 don’t beg for a crumb of attention. Surround yourself with the people who make you feel like a cherished part of their world.

Confront them

 It might be time to have a gentle conversation about what friendship means to you. Remember, you deserve friends who are reliable and keep their word.

Evaluate the give and take

True friends understand the importance of a two-way street. They’re there for you, not just when it’s convenient for them. So next time your friend hits you with a sob story and a “Can you possibly…?” request, just take a beat.

End It Gracefully

Sometimes the situation is beyond repair, but it’s okay to walk away and  prioritize your well-being.


The essence of friendship 

True friends are the members of your heart’s own zoo – the goofy orangutan who cracks you up, the wise owl who offers sage advice, and the loyal lion who has your back no matter what. Life is a beautiful adventure, but it’s infinitely sweeter shared with these companions. Don’t waste your precious moments trying to be friends with those who leave you feeling emotionally drained. Invest your energy in those who bring sunshine to your days, celebrate your victories, and support you through your storms. Because in the end, these genuine connections are the wellspring of joy, strength, and love that colors our lives in the most vibrant hues.


To sum it up,

Remember, you get to choose who you share your life with! If you recognize these signs in someone you call a friend, it might be time to re-evaluate the relationship. You can set boundaries, limit contact, or even end the friendship entirely. Prioritize your well-being and surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. After all, a healthy friend zoo is a happy friend zoo!


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Sushant Singh
Jun 12, 2024
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